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Clean Skin

Skin care tips for clean skin

8 articles
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    How To Brighten Tired And Dull Skin Complexion?

    Does the skin on your face look dull and tired? Do you miss having a radiant complexion? Don’t worry, Olay is here to help. Get the lowdown on what causes dull skin and how to regain your glow-rious complexion with our five top tips on how to brighten dull skin.

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    What Causes Hyperpigmentation And How To Get Rid Of It

    If you have patches of darker pigmentation on your face, you’re not alone! And, if you’re wondering what causes hyperpigmentation and how to get rid of it, you’ve come to the right place. Although completely removing the signs of hyperpigmentation is very difficult there are steps you can take to reduce or prevent brown spots, blotchy skin, and a rough skin texture, helping your skin look younger for longer. Read on to discover what hyperpigmentation is, what causes it, and how you can treat it.

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    Anti-Ageing Skin Care Routine In Your 50s

    If you’re in your 50s, you probably feel years younger than the age listed on your driver’s license. And, if you’ve been diligent with sun protection and a regular skincare routine, you might even look years younger than your age too. Even if you haven’t, now is the perfect time to power up with effective anti-ageing skincare products that will help you look as young as you feel.

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    Anti-Ageing Skin Care Routine In Your 40s

    Who says you have to look your age? With incredible scientific advances in skincare, women in their 40s can look as vibrant as they did in their younger years. Let’s take a look at some common skincare concerns and how to get your best beautiful skin — no drastic procedures required.

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    How to Effectively Cleanse Your Face IN 3 STEPS

    Cleansing your face is the cornerstone of beautiful, glowing skin. Cleansing removes dirt, impurities, grime and make-up so your skin regimen, eye cream, moisturiser, serum or oil, can have maximum effect.

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    How To Look After Your Skin In Your 30s

    Are you looking for the best skincare products and tips on how to look after your skin now that you’re in your 30s? Would you like to improve your skincare regimen and stay younger-looking for as long as possible? Olay has great tips on keeping your skin fresh, glowing and healthy.

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    If you’ve ever gotten up close to the mirror, you’ve probably noticed tiny pores on your skin, especially in areas where the skin is oilier like your forehead, nose and chin. Like many people, you may have wished they were smaller and the skin smoother. Although you can’t get rid of pores, you can minimise the appearance of pores. Read on to find out how!

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    Skin Care And Pregnancy: How To Adapt Your Routine

    Pregnancy can be a very exciting time for mums-to-be however it can also be a time when your pregnancy hormones play havoc with your skin.